On-page Optimization
We offer search engine optimization in all languages.
During on-page optimization we translate your web page(s) from any language into the desired language(s). This is done with consideration to local requirements and guidelines put out by search engines, as well consideration for the countries and respective languages.
Before the pages are translated they will be examined by a SEO, a search engine optimization specialist, and if necessary adapted and/or optimized. This ensures that the end result is search engine friendly and optimized. The on-page optimization includes measures that are necessary and required by search engines in order to increase the website’s performance.
On-page optimization is to be considered a prerequisite and starting point for further optimization actions (see off-page optimization). On-page optimization is a one-time measure and does not usually include follow-up optimization actions.
Off-page Optimization
Naturally, we also offer off-page optimization through our network and partners.
Off-page optimization encompasses all measures beyond your website that lead to making your website easier to locate in search engines and thus on the Internet.
This includes creation of back-links and links relevant to the subject of the website, for example. It also includes the creation of satellite pages and landing pages.
Off-page optimization can only be performed after an on-page optimization has been completed.
International Internet Promoting
Our company and network partners offer professional Internet Promoting.
Internet Promoting is a combination of on-page and off-page optimization in addition to further measures that improve a customer’s ranking in search engines. During the term of the promoting contract, regular optimization of the website (on-page) is performed whenever deemed necessary.
During promoting, regional, national and international requirements for the customer can be integrated, i.e. promoting can be adapted to stress certain regions, countries or international localizations.
Thus, Internet Promoting diverges considerably from a one-time on-page optimization and from off-page optimization, which is often erroneously understood as an immediate cause of increase in link popularity. Internet Promoting actually encompasses all round support during the entirety of the contract period.
For more information contact us at office(at)the-business-translator.com